Saturday, February 10, 2018

How A Lack Of Focus Kept My Friend Broke For 6 Years.

How A Lack Of Focus Kept My Friend Broke For 6 Years.

I see a lot of people who are not focused. They’re trying to do too many things and then wondering why nothing sticks.

My friend is one of these unfocused people. We worked together six years ago and when we parted ways, he was left broke (again). Six years on, he’s only just got out of being broke in the last few months.

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?
“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” — Confucius
The first question you need to ask yourself when searching for a job, determining your career path or trying to realize your passion should be, “What do I want?” Every plan and every action that you take should begin from that very simple question.

Belief Versus Doubt — Welcome To The Creative Mind

Belief Versus Doubt — Welcome To The Creative Mind

You have the angelic you on one shoulder, and the devilish you on the other. The battle of right vs wrong, good vs evil, and confidence vs crisis.

“It’s amazing that you have started a business. You are amazing. This isn’t something everyone is capable of doing you know” whispers the angel. You smile at the angel. The angel is lovely.

Why The Younger Generation Doesn’t Want To Own Stuff.

Why The Younger Generation Doesn’t Want To Own Stuff.

Baby boomers keep telling me I should own stuff. I’m not sold. In fact, I’ve done the exact opposite.

That nice BMW, sold; all of the stuff I never use like vinyl records and old posters, sold. Then there’s the technology. We’re all addicted to having the newest whatever and half the time it’s no different from the previous model.

Friday, February 9, 2018

3 Incredible Lessons of Success and Failure from Super Bowl Coach Bill Belichick

3 Incredible Lessons of Success and Failure from Super Bowl Coach Bill Belichick

Bill Belichick, the man now synonymous with winning as much as any coach in American sports history, wasn’t always such a winner. He wasn’t handed a head coaching job overnight. It took him nearly to the age of 40 before someone entrusted a pro football team to his leadership. Then? He eventually was fired several years later. But that’s surely not how we know him today.

Your perfect life sucks, and so does mine

Your perfect life sucks, and so does mine

We’ve all heard that phrase, “I’m just going through the motions.” Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? When someone says that, we think they’re depressed. Something’s not right — maybe. But we all feel like we’re going through the motions sometimes. That’s part of adult life.

I Quit my Job …. Started my Startup and then Ruined my Life…

I Quit my Job .Started my Startup and then Ruined my Life.

Corporate Job are Good…Startups are Better ….But Working For Yourself is the Best….

I was working for one of the top banking firms…

A banking life where you miss out on everything and everyone in life, except Excel spreadsheets…as I Say A life packed in a suitcase…..